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但显然,阿基米德并不想因为他的螺旋泵、战争机器或其他实用性发明而被后人记住,所以他没给我们留下任何相关文字记录。他在数学领域的发明才是最让他自豪的事,也让我觉得在圆周率日深刻思考他的理论和方法真是再合适不过了。自阿基米德限定圆周率范围以来的2 200年里,尽管π的数值近似程度已经被提升了很多次,但人们使用的始终是阿基米德发明的数学技巧:利用多边形或无穷级数进行逼近。更广泛地讲,他的杰出贡献在于,第一次有原则地利用无穷过程去量化曲线形状的几何特性。在这一点上,他是无可匹敌的,直到今天仍然如此。



[2] Archimedean screw: Rorres, Archimedes in the Twenty-First Century, chapter 6, and https://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Screw/Applications.html.

[3] Archimedes was silent: In fairness, Archimedes did do one study related to motion, though it was an artificial form of motion motivated by mathematics rather than physics.See his essay “On Spirals,” reproduced in Heath, The Works of Archimedes, 151–88.Here Archimedes anticipated the modern ideas of polar coordinates and parametric equations for a point moving in a plane.Specifically, he considered a point moving uniformly in the radial direction away from the origin at the same time as the radial ray rotated uniformly, and he showed that the trajectory of the moving point is the curve now known as an Archimedean spiral.Then, by summing 1²+2²+...+n² and applying the method of exhaustion, he found the area bounded by one loop of the spiral and the radial ray.See Stein, Archimedes, chapter 9; Edwards, The Historical Development, 54–62; and Katz, History of Mathematics, 114–15.

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