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传统上,这个面积问题被称作曲线求积,它困扰和折磨数学家达2 000年之久。人们想出了很多解决特定问题的巧妙技巧,比如,阿基米德在圆的面积和抛物线求积方面取得的成果,以及费马计算曲线y=xn下方面积的方法。但因为缺少一个系统,各个面积问题只能在特别的基础上解决,并且要具体问题具体分析,这意味着数学家每次都不得不从头开始。






[1] “between straight and curved lines”: René Descartes, The Geometry of René Descartes: With a Facsimile of the First Edition, translated by David E.Smith and Marcia L.Latham (Mineola, NY: Dover, 1954), 91.Within twenty years, Descartes was proved wrong about the impossibility of finding arc lengths exactly for curves; see Katz, History of Mathematics, 496–98.

[2] “There is no curved line”: I’ve updated Newton’s spelling here for easier reading.The original was “There is no curve line exprest by any æqua tion...but I can in less then half a quarter of an hower tell whether it may be squared.” Letter 193 from Newton to Collins, November 8, 1676, in Turnbull, Correspondence of Isaac Newton, 179.The omitted material involves technical caveats about the class of trinomial equations to which his claim applied.See “A Manuscript by Newton on Quadratures,” manu script 192, in ibid., 178.

[3] “the fountain I draw it from”: Letter 193 from Newton to Collins, November 8, 1676, in ibid., 180.Again, I’ve updated the spelling; Newton wrote “ye fountain.”

[4] weren’t the first to notice this theorem: Katz, History of Mathematics, 498–503, shows that James Gregory and Isaac Barrow had both related the area problem to the tangent problem and so had anticipated the fundamental theorem but concludes that “neither of these men in 1670 could mold these methods into a true computational and problem-solving tool.” Five years before that, however, Newton already had.In a sidebar on page 521,Katz makes a convincing case that Newton and Leibniz (as opposed to“Fermat or Barrow or someone else”) deserve credit for the invention of calculus.

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